Join us for an Archery Fete

Our 2024 charity event: Friday 19 July to Saturday 20 July, open to the public on Saturday 20 July.

This year we're supporting University of Southampton's Gift of Sight Appeal who research cures for blinding eye conditions.

Open to the Public 10am Sat 20 July

Join us on Saturday 20 July from 10am to 4pm and experience archery with our professional coaches with the have-a-go targets with the chance to win a Robin Hood hat, have some fun with Archery Tag (paintball with special bows and arrows) or just enjoy the BBQ and ice-cream. We'll also have an impaired sight related archery experience. Entry to the event is free with have-a-go and archery tag donating a small fee towards our charity. Activities are open to all members of the public, our youngest members in the past have ranged between 4 and 79 years old.

Download the flyer

If you would like to donate directly to our charity, please use the following just-giving website.

Open to Archers 3pm Fri 19 July - 5pm Sat 20 July

Our event starts at 15:00 on Friday 19 July with confetti cannons and representatives from the Gift of Sight charity and shooting continues through to 15:00 on Saturday 20 July with more confetti cannons and the Southampton Mayor. Archers can also participate in a range of social activities from Friday afternoon through to Saturday afternoon including Archery Tag (very popular!), a BBQ, Pizzas, (maybe) Astronomy, Sight-Impared archery, Sunrise breakfast, Sunset drinks and Morning Bacon butties (other choices also available!). Our golden target will have changing faces through the 24 hours with the late night sound activated disco target face always popular.

Archers sponsor one or more hours to shoot on the golden target, raising £25 per hour as a target.

Book your slot here

We will also be hosting two Archery GB classification worthy National Rounds one on Friday from 15:30 and one on Saturday from 10:00 (you do not need to pre-book these).

Our Sponsors

Please support our sponsors by clicking on their logo to visit their site.



Previous charity events